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I was born and raised a country boy in South Warwickshire, but I’ve lived in Birmingham and Sandwell for most of my life.

I’ve worked locally in many fields: in a furniture shop as a deliveryman, salesman and manager; working shifts in the metal industry (when we still had one!); driving vans in the printing trade. After a stint as a mature student I spent a while as a lecturer in a local college, then worked with a co-operative supplying organic produce. I ran my own organic box scheme for several years, but now I mainly devote myself to music – writing, playing and singing songs, at home and in the pubs and Open Mic nights of the West Midlands.

I’ve been a big music fan all my life, from the first minute I heard the Beatles: once Bob Dylan came along, I was hooked for life. My tastes are very wide-ranging, taking in everything from classics to folk, punk to reggae, metal to jazz, soul to country – and most things in between.


I’ve been writing my own songs for a few years now, drawing on all the music I’ve heard – especially Dylan, the Band, The Rolling Stones, Neil Young, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, The Velvet Underground, Richard Thompson, Elvis Costello, Jackson Browne, Springsteen, REM, Paul Simon – though I like to think I have a style of my own!

Apart from my own repertoire of original songs I have literally hundreds of cover versions – and I’m always willing to learn something new.

I am just finishing recording a 5-track CD-EP at Stourbridge Studios, which should be ready for release before Christmas 2017. I hope to preview "DreamLIne" at a showcase gig to be arranged in the New Year.

CDs will be available for about £3 (to cover costs) - demo's or live versions of the songs will be available to listen to on my website or on Youtube video.

I produced a home-made 10-song CD of my own originals a few years back (Background Radiation - listen on Soundcloud), and I’m currently working on two more: Sheet Lightning contains another 12 original numbers and is nearly ready to record; Star of the West should be finished in 2018.

I'M FREE !!!

Well, not literally!

To book a performance please contact me directly by email at:

or through Facebook – ask for mobile number if you wish to discuss setlists or any other requirements.

(I provide my own PA for small pubs, clubs and community halls)

Rates are reasonable and negotiable – I’m usually willing to consider charity/community shows in the local area – for anything else, just ask!

For anyone interested in technical details, I play a Yamaha Compass guitar, through a Zoom Acoustic Effects pedal. On stage I also use Electro-Harmonix Mel-9 & B9 pedals for added guitar effects. Vocals are processed from a Shure SM58 mic via a TC Helicon Harmony Singer pedal.

At home I use a Marshall AS50D combo amp. Stage recordings are made on a Tascam DR-05 PCM recorder; home recordings are direct to a Fostex MR8 HD digital multitracker, then processed on PC using Reaper studio software.

I also play a Gibson BluesHawk electric guitar and a Sumo Les Paul copy, plus an Eko 12-string, Yamaha Piaggero electronic piano, various harmonicas, a Casio plastic saxophone – and a Schlagwerk cajon.